

    2024-08-02 16:59:39 来源:8858cc永利唯一官方网          浏览数:0


题目:Plant Stress Research for Climate Change

报告人:Yun, Dae-Jin

单位:Konkuk University



    尹大珍韩国建国大学教授1988韩国建国大学本科毕业,1994年获得日本京都大学博士学位,在美国普渡大学从事博士后研究。现任全球植物逆境研究中心Global Plant Stress Research Center (SRC)负责人。以第一或通讯作者在Cell, Nature Genetics, Molecular Cell, Nature Communications, Nature Plants, PNAS, Molecular Plant, Plant Cell 等国际期刊发表论文260篇。主要研究方向:Abiotic Stress Signaling in Plant

    Plant responses to environmental stress are governed by a complex molecular and biochemical signal transduction processes, which act in coordination to determine tolerance or sensitivity at the whole-plant level. The abiotic stresses imply homeostatic biochemical reactions, recorded in terms of cellular information transfer at various levels of gene expression, including transcriptional, translational, and post-translational regulation. Despite considerable progress made with plant molecular genetics and genomics in understanding of plant behavior under field stress, research thus far indicates that we have not yet found the most important processes and genes that protect plants against prevalent stresses. In the past 26 years, my laboratory has studied the stress tolerance mechanisms with multi-dimensional approaches including molecular genetics, biochemical and molecular biology, and genomics tools using Arabidopsis plant. We have identified genes important for abiotic stress tolerance and extended the gene networks based on the identified genes to learn the abiotic stress signaling network. Here, I will present novel important genes for plant stress tolerance and unveil new molecular mechanisms in plant stress responses, which will benefit agricultural application as well as basic science.



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